As a supporter, you can help Operation Smile provide access to safe surgery and exceptional medical care to children around the world.

Allow us to share with you this touching story of an Indian man names Akhilesh Kumar who dined in a hotel restaurant. In that tale, he invited two little beggars to a dinner when he caught a sigh of them watching him with hunger through the window. Upon the payment, he could not see any figures on the bill except for a sweet line of words that said: “We do not possess any device to charge for kindness, wish you a lovely evening”.
That very story truly relates to Operation Smile with the connection that we cannot measure the contributions, kindness and devotion that come from organizations and individuals like yourselves, who together with us have brought over 66,000 life-changing smiles to the children across the country for the past 34 years.
The children, their families, their lives and future count on tireless committment from people like you. If you are ready to join us today, please click on our Fundraising Toolkit for more information and support.

Operation Smile aligns with leading global and local corporations that share our vision of a world where no child suffers from lack of access to safe surgery. Each of our corporate partnerships is customized to form a mutually successful and engaged relationship based on a shared passion for helping children in need. When Operation Smile partners with businesses, we offer brand recognition and marketing and public relations support.
Thank you to our distinguished donors that have contributed monetary or gift-in-kind donations through all of our activities for children in Vietnam!

Sponsoring a Medical Mission
Everyone Deserves Safe Surgery
Children, parents and family have traveled – some for hours or days – by car, by bus or by foot to be here, at an Operation Smile medical mission. They’re hopeful. They’re anxious. And they are hoping this could be their chance to receive the medical treatment to fix their smiles and their lives.
Operating a medical program for disadvantaged children is the core activity of Operation Smile. And giving them normal smiles is our mission since its beginning.
550 Medical & Dental Programs
Over 66,000 patients treated with care
900,000 volunteer hours

Gift In-Kind
In-kind contributions is an important source of nonprofit revenue for Operation Smile. Beyond revenue and cost savings, in-kind contributions is also an effective way to cultivate supporters and build capacity.
For Operation Smile in Vietnam, when we organize medical missions, especially in remote areas, medical equipment and medicines play vital role to support and make the contribution to the success of the whole team.
Additionally, in-kind sponsorship can be recognized through the donation of daily essential supplies (shampoo, tooth paste, tooth brush, boday shower, soap, towel etc.) or food and beverage which contribute to the daily meals of volunteers and patients (milk, water, lunch meals etc.)
Over the years, Operation Smile has developed partnerships with leading corporations like the Marriott Worldwide Business Councils in Vietnam & Cambodia, Johnson & Johnson, Unilever through their generous donation of their products and services. Gift-in-kind contributors are more than just a valuable resource, they are an integral part of the Operation Smile family.

Contact for Information:
Ms. Thuan Nguyen
P: (84) 24 3936 5426 | E: [email protected]
Ms. Giang Tran
P: (84) 28 3526 0208 | E: [email protected]

Donativos mensuales
Causa un cambio permanente y constante. Hazte parte del grupo de Patrocinadores de Sonrisas. Tan solo $20 dolares al mes, pueden cambiar al vida de un niño para siempre.

Donativo en honor a alguien
Haz un donativo a nombre de otra persona, y ¡Le enviaremos una tarjeta! Cambiarás la vida de niños alrededor del mundo, y seguro le sacarás un sonrisa a tu amigo o familiar en nombre de quién lo hiciste.

¿Quieres tener un impacto aun mas duradero?
Incluyenos en tu testamento- Te sorprenderás de las maneras que puedes apoyar y el impacto que puede hacer en la vida de muchos niños si planeas con anticipación.- Para mas información